Top 10 films for homesick students

“Moving away is stressful and isolating.”

Okay, in a way, yes But also no.

I am stressed and at times do miss a lot of people, but I’m finding comfort in things I never thought would alleviate homesickness. Things like buying cheap sunflowers from Morrison’s (other supermarkets are available) for our flat, baking midnight chocolate cakes and feeling like an adult by actively trying to consume my five-a-day. One thing I’m finding surprisingly comforting are films. I’ve compiled a list of films that I will turn to for metaphorical hug.


  1. Sense and sensibility (1995)
    senseandsensibility This one requires a bit of focus but is so rewarding. The feminist undertones will enrich and inspire. Edward Ferrars suggestion that ‘piracy is our only option’ in a response to the barbaric property laws that banish the Dashwood sisters from their home underlines the Dashwood girls. The vibrancy of Margaret, the dramatic Marianne and the satirical humour of Eleanor. It looks pretty and sounds even prettier. If you’re into period dramas, you’ve already seen it. Just give it a re-watch to transport you away from student halls.
  2. The Burbs (1989)
    Vintage Tom Hanks and honestly, a total gem. If you haven’t seen it, it is about white suburban Americans who get strange, new and foreign neighbours. Hanks’ paranoid neighbours fuel a hilarious campaign against the new arrivals. Think Home Alone, but Halloween-esque. It requires zero effort to watch but the return is a funny and comforting 101 minutes.
  3. The Three Amigos 1986
    Daft humour that never gets old and misunderstandings that leads to complete genius. Set in 1916 three actors are mistakenly seen by villagers on Santa Poco as their saviours from the evil El Guapo, while the actors just think they have a new job. Word play is hilarious and exchanges between banditos are great. ‘My Little Buttercup’ will be in your head for days, which is good when you can’t afford Spotify Premium. The vibes of a lack of general health and safety rules are hilarious. Count the chickens in this film. I dare you.
  4. The Goonies (1985)
    The Goonies
    Ultimate classic. Each character could be a justifiable favourite character (my personal choice is Chunk). Everyone wishes they had a childish adventure to find One-eyed Willy’s sunken treasure and through this film you can! It’s the perfect film to just sit back and join in with (if, like me, you know most of the lines) for when exam season is getting to you.
  5. Ratatouille (2007)
    A masterclass in animation. If you appreciate culinary adventures, and let’s face it everything is a culinary adventure when you’re cooking for yourself for the first time, this is the film to watch. A good film is relatable, and what is more relatable to a student who can’t even afford cheese (who knew it was that expensive?) than an ambitious rat who just wants to eat nice food. Experience the film properly by splurging on cheese and grapes, trust me, it’s worth it.
  6. Up (2009)
    Just watch the first 8 minutes for a cathartic release. If everything is too much, watch it for a reason to cry that isn’t deadlines or exams or dissertations. Then watch the rest to be really far away in Paradise Falls. Fall in love with Russel and Carl, then appreciate your flat mates and course mates who you were clumped together with. Everything will feel better after Up. I promise.
  7. Practical Magic (1998)
    practical magic
    Sisters with very different personalities have magical abilities, but the abilities come with a curse – the men they fall in love with will always die unexpectedly. Yeah, sounds dark but is actually wholly uplifting. Practical Magic taught me a lot about being an older sister and introduced the concept of chocolate cake for breakfast. What more could you ask for?
  8. Beetlejuice (1988)
    Peak Winona Ryder. Seriously, a goth Winona is the best Winona. Beetlejuice is just the most irritating yet likeable villain. Odds are you’ve certainly seen this one, but watch it again just because you can. It’s done by Tim Burton so it is fantastical and it is weird but really it’s just a lot of fun.
  9. Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
    Napoleon Dynamite
    I’m going to make a big statement and say that Napoleon Dynamite is possibly one of the most quotable films of all time. Each line is surreal and hilarious. Each character is totally weird, and yet you know someone exactly like them. It’s not uplifting or cute or anything serious, it’s just funny. And when you’re six books deep on a research trip in the library, you want to go back to the flat and take a break. Napoleon Dynamite is exactly what you need.
  10. The Princess and the Frog (2009)
    I’ll make another big statement, The Princess and the Frog is one the most underrated Disney Princess film. As with The Goonies, each character could legitimately be your favourite. It looks so pretty down in the Bayou and has inspired me to aspire to being in New Orleans one day. Its escapism without a clichéd Disney Princess trope. I love it.

These are the films that are going to be a must in our home. Feel free to explore more, there’s a plethora of wonderful, wholesome and comforting films out there that are waiting to be watched.
